Behold! The above image is typical of the workstations that those of us at my j-o-b are getting as part of our scheduled move to our new digs this weekend. To put it in context, we're up on the 7th floor with a tremendous view of the city. Each of our cubicles are up against a wall of windows that look out onto an open patio, stories over the historic part of town, with the big city in the distance.
Of course, you'd never know this looking at the picture. You'd almost think they actually don't want us to enjoy the view they spent gobs of cash to get. As for me, I'm planning a Shawshank style digging-of-a-hole in the cubicle wall from underneath a huge Rita Hayworth poster with a teeny tiny pick-ax. It may be a few years, but that's all it takes, really.
Pressure, and time....That and a big goddamn poster.