More auto-bio cartoons, these two depicting my time as an ER orderly right after high school.

Learn from my folly dear friends, so that the next time you have to carry a chopped off arm or leg around in public, you'll know what to do.

One of my weekly duties was the dumping of the excess fluids that came from a patient's body during surgery. They let them fill up in a large glass jug, which needed dumping into a drain when full. Where it went from there, I'm gratefully oblivious. Anything from knee fluids to God-only-knows-and-I-don't-wish-to-ponder went into this thing. Hence the reason I'm crunching my face as I dump the jug. Just trying not to die of some disease, no biggie. Can't remember if I ever wore a face mask, or if they just didn't give me one...